Friday, December 12, 2008

a note to my girl

December 2008
Sweetness, you just turned 2-1/2 and you are FUNNY. While there are moments when your emotions overtake your silliness (I actually carried you out of the house today with just your tights on, since you refused to get dressed)—mostly, you make us laugh. You love to dress up in princess clothes “I princess!” (“who is mommy?” I ask —“Mommy the queen!” you say).

You love music and dancing. “I want Rock and roll All night, I like that one, the Scooby doo one.” You talk non stop, even when you are in your crib. The other day I heard you talking to the “bad guys”: “bad guys! Bad guys! Let go of Dumbo! Dumbo- run Dumbo! Let go of Dumbo, Bad Guys!” You like to eat and eat—“I wanna snack” “I want vitamins, mama juice, I want gummy” (gum). You like to chew gum while sucking on your “B”—your binky, which I cannot get away from you!

You wake in the morning and yell “Mom! I’m awake mom! I wanna get out. I wanna come out there. Mom!”. Kade runs into your room first, and you two kiss & hug. It couldn’t be sweeter. Mostly you like each other and you watch out for each other. When he is sad, you want to know if he’s okay, you say “Don’t cry!”. When you are frustrated or not getting what you want, you say “I’m crying, mom. I ‘m so sad.”, you pull your bottom lip down, show your bottom teeth and let out a cry...or many.

Bathtime at night is always an adventure. You like to antagonize your brother, you’ll climb on top of his back and say GIDDYUP! Daddy tries to peel you apart but you guys laugh and laugh. Today you were in the bath and you two were fighting, I could hear you from downstairs. Then—you started laughing. I knew something was up. We went to check it out and brother said “we were just putting sissy’s B in our bum bums!” (this story will kill you when you are older).

We mostly try not to laugh. Tonight you were wearing your princess dress, glass slippers, sunglasses, crown and were happy as could be. You are mostly happy as can be, and we adore you, Ry girl.
“Climb Daddy Mountain”
“I do it by myself”
“No! I don’t like that!”
“I wanna wear a beautiful dress”
"I a girl!"